This was something I meant to remedy from the start. I found some nylon drains by Starboard East (that's the brand name) having a flattened side, meant to go in a vertical bulkhead down low to the floor; but they are nylon and subject to UV-exposure damage and stems' cracking and this is not a place one wants to risk that. After searching high and low I found what the plumbing guy called 'bar-sink drains', at 1 inch diameter (though I have 'bar-sink drains' in the head and galley sinks and they are 'standard' at 2 inches). They are rugged, heavy brass, but not stainless-steel and will go green unless I paint them.
Here is the mess I started with. In this photo the starboard drain has already been chopped out. I left the port side one for later as the boat on its stands is sort of tilting to that side and rainwater will have to go somewhere. I had once removed the old Marelon (nee RC Marine) through-hulls and rebedded them with 5200 to stop leaks when I first got the boat. Now I just hacked them out with a chisel.
The flange itself, now separated from the stem, is standing next to the hole.
All the tools used are in the picture!
The next step was to fill the hole. Here are shown the 'communion wafers' of fiberglass to be used for the fill. I used about six of these for each hole. These are of 1708 biaxial, because it was what was available. For a small job like this really any 'glass will do. I would not use cloth alone; but if you had at least most of it done in plain mat it would be fine.
The smaller ones are for the other holes in the cockpit getting filled at the same time. (Yes; I used the one with the bite out of it. It doesn't matter.)
This photo shows the power of 5200-- the gash to the left of the hole itself is from the through-hull's parting from the 'glass and its 5200 taking some 'glass with it.
Here is a close-up of the port-side hole before filling. Apparently I missed a little with the duct tape (doing it by feel with arm down port-side seat locker).
Here is the port-side hole filled. This-- like all the rest of these holes about the cockpit-- will get sanded and faired with Microlight before Epoxy Primekote and paint.
There is nothing wrong with overfilling it, so long as it's with 'glass. A patch like this is easy to sand flush and it's reassuring knowing you've got solid material completely filling the hole.
As ever proper preparation is key. Scrub the back and front sides with sandpaper and clean thoroughly with acetone before mixing up your resin & hardener.
The holes in the bulkhead above were from something the PO or the factory had here. I really don't remember. The smaller one is the lower drain hole of the port-side seat locker's drain, which I eliminated when I made the replacement drain trough (which now only uses the upper hole).
In this photo the right side (to the left) is already done (more or less) and the left side is to be filled. Some days passed between these stages, to allow for a weather window which would let the port one cure before rain might leak through the cover.
You can see how Hunter's money-saving scheme for these did not include ensuring that they were mounted symmetrically.
The ugly patched place to port is from where the PO had installed his bilge pump's Auto-Off-Manual switch-- right into the bulkhead, without sealant, and without cognizance of what happens when these electrical things get wet. In this photo it's been filled with 'glass and begun to be faired with Microlight.
The big round hole to starboard is for the Whale manual bilge pump.
Here are the drains newly installed.
These nifty little fittings came with very good flanged nuts for the other side. (I did not use the rubber gaskets.) The surface-mount flanges are not too thick-- certainly much thinner than the flanges of normal nylon or Marelon through-hulls would be. When I drilled out these holes I was relieved to find that they would miss all the balsa, which starts about an inch or two forward of the holes, and would go through solid 'glass. It did occur to me that I might rout out the 'glass to set the flanges flush; but what tool would I use for that in this tight corner and how would I get them smooth and level enough? I have lately decided I will mask these off and fill the space behind them and around to the outboard edges with Microlight, so as to keep water from pooling against the edges of the flanges. Though I set these in with 5200 I did not get as much 'ooze-out' as I would have liked. Most of it is between the stem and the hole I drilled for each one, where it should be.
My yardmate Roland made a very good point that these 1-inch drains are probably too small for offshore work. I don't expect to do much sailing far offshore in this boat; and boats with cockpit drains of this size or worse have done successful passages. But his point is well taken; and once I have fewer tasks in front of me I may look to replacing or adding to these with larger ones. My choice of size for these was governed by only the existing transom fittings; but they could be changed too.
After discussing with him I did decide I will not install check-valves in these lines. They are almost straight runs and are subject to pooping from heavy water directly aft, which would lead to not only water shooting into the cockpit but the water already in the cockpit not going out. But the check-valves would further restrict water flow. The H25 is pretty buoyant aft and would probably rise away from heavy swells; but who is to say what happens in such conditions? People with experiences about cockpit flooding at sea are encouraged to comment!
I don't have a photo of the underside, but the Marelon elbows I meant for the bilge-pump outlets screwed onto these brass fittings perfectly (with plenty of Teflon thread-seal tape) and I was able to hook them up using the old hoses. I did, however, wait for the 5200 to fully cure (about a week). Shields no.148 hose can be a monster to fight on and off; and experience has shown it is strong enough to work loose the 5200 on recently-bedded fittings and through-hulls. So-- proceed gently, with patience.
I reused one of my old hoses for this (just temporarily) but found the other was too short. I hacked off a piece from the (as-yet) unused bilge-pump lines, not measuring very well as I was doing all this from lying inside the starboard-side locker, and got it almost too short again. For now one clamp is sufficient; but these will all be done properly before the boat goes in.
The very dusty state of this cockpit is due to its being prepared for Epoxy Primekote and paint. The nonskid of the sole did come off with scraping from a chisel; but it is adhered really well and since I don't need to bed down any more hardware to the sole I may only rough it up enough to take the Primekote and paint over it. The same goes for the deck/cabintop.
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